Configurations of CAM350
ResourceCAM350-070, Gerber Viewer Bundle Import, view and get information.Formats of import: Gerber (274D, 274X, Fire9000, Barco DPF), NC Drill&Mill (Excellon, Sieb & Meyer), netlist (Universal Importer, IPC-D-356 & 356A), aperture table (Universal Importer).Allows to create Stackup and view PCB in 2D or 3D.Functions: View, Query, Report, Measure. Modules: Import – imports Gerber RS-274XInformation – get…

CAM350 – technological analysis of printed circuit board projects
ProductCAM350 is often used in conjunction with BluePrint design documentation preparation software, but can also function as a separate product. The system contains a huge set of design checks in terms of Design For Manufacturing (DFM), Design For Assembly (DFA), Design For Test (DFT) to detect errors and non-technological places, bottlenecks, defects, and correct them…