For Project Managers
If you are a head of an electronics development department, you certainly have an interest in making sure that your developers are efficient. What criteria can you name if you are evaluating the effectiveness of development?

- Speed of development of circuit diagrams and circuit boards
- Accuracy of development
- Ability to quickly verify the result (before manufacturing)
- Ability to reuse your work
- …. you can probably add many more points yourself
If you as a manager want to achieve efficiency, you should pay attention to the world practices, the way the leading companies in their industries work all over the world.
Experience shows that the winners are those companies that have built an end-to-end flow of design and verification of electronics, using simulation tools at every stage and analyzing the manufacturability of products at the earliest stages of development. This is what improves accuracy, speed, and error-free performance.
We can offer not only software products for building end-to-end design of electronic devices, but also together with you to build the flow of design in your enterprise, starting from libraries and models of components, providing modeling and verification stages at each step, and confirming the manufacturability of your developments with the help of advanced CAD from the market leaders – ALDEC, Downstream, IMST and others.
MLDesigner’s system level design, from top-down to every single component, avoids the gaps and inconsistencies typical of conventional bottom-up design. The recent NASA Mars mission owes much of its success to the use of MLDesigner not only for the electronics, but also for the mechanical design of the mission.
The CAM350 software tool allows the development team not to wait for long answers from PCB manufacturers and not to redo the project several times because manufacturers are not able to produce a batch of boards with a given combination of technological parameters in a quality way. With CAM350, developers can instantly check board designs for correctness and have the ability to send fully technologically correct files to production.
For fast simulation of large microwave systems, multi-meter antennas and building volume models of systems such as car-vehicle, antenna-object, phased antenna array and target, the Empire XPU RF solver solution is very suitable.
Developers of FPGAs and integrated circuits will benefit from the IP cores and Verification IPs from SmartDV, as well as verification IP cores (VIP). In addition, popular FPGA simulation programs such as Active-HDL and Riviera-PRO are of particular interest.

Webinar Cadence PCB design tools
Webinar 28.11.2024 – Cadence PCB design tools 10:00 AM (GMT+1:00 / Warsaw) Duration: ~2:15 Agenda: Brief overview of Cadence PCB design tools and new features: – Allegro X PCB Designer – Sigrity Signal and Power Integrity solutions – AWR Microwave Office Registration

Electronica 2024
It was a great pleasure to meet with the representatives of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic during Electronica in Munich.

PowerExpo 2024
The products for electronics design from our vendors are in demand in the Middle Asia as well. We are trying to participate in all valuable events in this area.
Useful information

Webinar 28.11.2024 “Cadence PCB design tools”
On 28.11.2024 we provide the webinar presenting Cadence PCB Design tools

Webinar “Stencil Preparation: Tips & Tricks, Design Software”
On Monday, May 27 2024, there was a webinar on the nuances of PCB surface mount stencil preparation and a demonstration of Stencil Designer software for stencil preparation.